Audit Committee Mr. Wong Chun Sek, Edmund (Chairman) Professor Yeung Kwok Wing Mr. Hung Ka Hai, Clement Mr. Chung Kwok Pan Mr. Tong Hee Keung, Samuel Mr. Lau Yip Shing Audit Committee (Terms of Reference)
Remuneration Committee Mr. Chung Kwok Pan (Chairman) Professor Yeung Kwok Wing Mr. Lam Gee Yu, Will Mr. Wong Chun Sek, Edmund Remuneration Committee (Terms of Reference)
Nomination Committee Mr. Lam Foo Wah (Chairman) Mr. Lam Din Yu, Well Professor Yeung Kwok Wing Mr. Chung Kwok Pan Mr. Tong Hee Keung, Samuel Nomination Committee (Terms of Reference)
Risk Management Committee Mr. Lam Gee Yu, Will (Chairman) Mr. Lam DIn Yu, Well Mr. Chung Kwok Pan Professor Yeung Kwok Wing Mr. Tong Hee Keung, Samuel Risk Management Committee
Memorandum and Articles of Associaton and New Bye-laws Memorandum and Articles of Associaton and New Bye-laws Memorandum and Articles of Associaton and New Bye-laws
List of Directors and their Role and Function List of Directors and their Role and Function List of Directors and their Role and Function
Procedures for shareholder(s) to propose a person for election as a Director Procedures for shareholder(s) to propose a person for election as a Director Procedures for shareholder(s) to propose a person for election as a Director